When starting a business, it`s important to have an agreement in place that outlines the roles and responsibilities of each shareholder. This agreement is known as a shareholders agreement. While it may seem like an unnecessary step, having a shareholders agreement can prevent potential conflicts and protect the interests of all parties involved. Here`s what you can expect to find in a shareholders agreement.

Ownership Structure

One of the most important aspects of a shareholders agreement is outlining the ownership structure of the company. This includes identifying the shareholders, their percentage of ownership, and any restrictions on the sale or transfer of shares. By having this information clearly defined, it can prevent disputes down the road and ensure that each shareholder`s rights are protected.

Management and Decision-Making

The shareholders agreement should also outline how the company will be managed and decision-making processes. This includes identifying who will serve as directors and officers and how they will be appointed or removed. It`s also important to outline how decisions will be made and what level of approval is required for certain actions, such as approving budgets or entering into contracts.

Dividends and Distributions

The shareholders agreement should also address how profits will be distributed to shareholders, including any restrictions on the payment of dividends. This may include outlining how profits will be allocated, how often distributions will be made, and any limitations on the amount that can be distributed.

Dispute Resolution

Even with a shareholders agreement in place, disputes can still arise. It`s important to have a process in place for resolving conflicts between shareholders. This may include mediation or arbitration, and should outline who will be responsible for covering the costs associated with resolving disputes.

Termination and Buyouts

In the event that a shareholder wants to leave the company or sell their shares, the shareholders agreement should outline the process for doing so. This may include restrictions on who can purchase shares and at what price they can be sold. It`s also important to address what will happen in the event of the death or incapacitation of a shareholder.


A shareholders agreement may seem like a daunting task, but it`s an important step in protecting the interests of all parties involved in a company. By clearly outlining ownership structure, management and decision-making processes, dividends and distributions, dispute resolution, and termination and buyouts, a shareholders agreement can prevent potential conflicts and ensure a smooth operation of the company. It`s always advised to consult with a lawyer or experienced copy editor before drafting a shareholders agreement to ensure its legal validity.
